Updated Database & Item/Mob Search Feature Renewal
Yet another routine update to the RO database plus making some suggested search features come to live. The update happened last night actually if you haven't notice. I didn't give an announcement on it because I was too tired. Also note that the last database update wasn't from February, sometimes I did routine update with nothing too new and I just didn't make an announcement about it. There was one done in June as far as I can remember. Not many read the news anyway so it's okay.
First, let's look at the item search form. Well, there is nothing new except the Card Pre/Suffix search and the added flexibility in sorting the end results. For those who suggested for a separate list of items that are new in every update, you can try picking an item type/class and sort the result by Item ID Descending (should work for most type/class of items). Same for those that are looking for new mob in the mob search form, the mob search result sorting options are a lot more flexible and optimized than before.
Now, look at what's new at the mob search form. At first glance, you can see the new search by Mob ID, more options for searching base exp, job exp and mob level. Then in the advanced search area you can now enter your flee or hit and find monster with your desired hit or flee percentage. If that's not enough, just open the hidden advanced search options. In there, I added a bunch of useful (some less useful ...) options with choice of include/exclude for further mob search screening. Such as the long anticipated mini-boss list, now it can be generated with one of the options (or you could just use the Mini-Boss quick link at the side).
That cleared many suggestions over the years but I am not finish yet. Since the RMS RO Database follows eAthena's data, it gets a lot of mobs that has no natural spawn point. I counted there are a total of 970 monsters with different ID but 426 of them is not spawned anywhere naturally (those are slaves, used in events or quests etc). If you find these mobs always get in the way when you are searching for the next mob to level, then start looking at the top right of each mob display page. There's a check box that asks if you want to only show naturally spawned monster. That should eliminate roughly half of your original search results (lol). Of course the option is also available at the newly revised mob search form.
Last but not least, in one of the suggestion there was a mention of EXP per HP ratio and JEXP per HP ratio. These should be how much experience point you get per 1 HP you damage the monster. So the value should be the greater the better. Well, I don't have time to play RO that much and can't comment on the usefulness of the value. But it's a suggestion that isn't hard to do so I included it anyway. These values located somewhere below the Job Exp section in each mob display block in case you can't find them.
For the database update, I can say everything about Episode 13 is either missing or incomplete. Basing on eAthena, I only got The New World's maps and warps. I will try to update them as they release the mob spawn. The Arunafeltz Guild Dungeon and Schwartzvald Guild Dungeon are also new but again no mob spawn information are available. The same goes for the previously released Infinity Tower, Sealed Shrine and the newer Orcish Underground Caves. WoE 2nd Edition castles' NPC, barricade and guardian stones are plotted in the detailed map view now (For example: see arug_cas01 and click show all mobs). Hope some WoE addicts find them useful.
Great, finally done another boring speech. Honestly, I like updating the site but I hate doing the announcement at the end. See you next time =)